
Our clerking team comprises 8 full-time clerks (including one dedicated fees clerk) and is widely rated for the modern, professional and client-focused service that it provides. The clerks’ room is staffed between 8.30am and 6.30pm, but emergency contact is always available outside that time and at weekends.

James Shortall

Senior Clerk

Responsible for the day-to-day running of chambers, James has been clerking since March 1995. James joined chambers in June 2001 and was swiftly promoted to Senior Clerk in March 2004. James has a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of every member of chambers and their practice which, when coupled with his 'can do' approach, makes for a friendly, professional, and efficient service. He is widely praised for his enthusiasm and his friendly and approachable nature.

Julie Holcombe

Deputy Senior Clerk

Julie joined chambers in 2002. She has extensive clerking experience dating back to 1995. She assists James in his management of the clerks’ room. She has a detailed knowledge of the practices of all members of chambers and deals with diary management, fee negotiation and business development.

Ben Cross

Practice Director

Ben joined chambers in 2007 having clerked at another specialist family law chambers. He has a detailed knowledge of the practices of all members of chambers and works closely with James and Julie to manage their practices including diary management, fee negotiation and business development.

Jamie Critchell

Senior Practice Manager

Jamie joined chambers in 2017 having previously clerked at another specialist family law chambers. His day-to-day duties include diary management and overseeing the fixtures.

Charlotte Hockney

Practice Manager

Charlotte joined chambers in August 2024 having previously clerked at a specialist commercial set. Her responsibilities include the management and development of members’ practices including work allocation, diary management, fee negotiation and business development.

Raphi Povey

Practice Manager

Raphi joined chambers in August 2024 having previously clerked at another specialist family law chambers. Her responsibilities include the management and development of members’ practices including work allocation, diary management, fee negotiation and business development.

Steve Pickin

Fees Clerk

Before joining chambers Steve worked in the Customer Service/civil finance department of the Legal Services Commission. He is responsible for fee management and collection.

"The set has an extremely wide expertise across all elements of Family Law, all of which they do to the very highest standard."

Chambers & Partners 2025